Spanish Pronouns – Los pronombres en español

The lessons in this section will explain how to use different types of Spanish pronouns including subject pronouns, direct object pronouns, reflexive pronouns, prepositional pronouns and others. Each lesson includes a chart for Spanish pronouns as well as sentences using them that you can also listen to.

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Using Spanish Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns

Spanish demonstrative adjectives and demonstrative pronouns, “los demostrativos”, are words like ESE, ESTE, ESE and others which correspond to THIS, THAT and so on in English. In this lesson, we will cover some similarities in the way we use demonstratives in both languages, as well as some major differences you should know about. Let’s begin…

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Demonstrative pronouns and adjectives in Spanish

Spanish Greetings and Introductions: Conversations and Practice

There are several ways to say our name, greet people and say goodbye in Spanish. Most of these expressions have been covered in two separate lessons, one teaching how to introduce yourself and another about common greetings and farewells. This time we are going to focus on how to use Spanish greetings and introductions to hold basic conversations. The lesson includes four

Spanish Greetings and Introductions: Conversations and Practice Read More »

Basic Spanish greetings and instructions dialogues

Practicing Spanish Prepositional Pronouns

What are Spanish prepositional pronouns? They are a very special type of pronouns that are placed after prepositions, just like the pronoun MI in the phrase “A MI”. These pronouns are very useful and common in everyday conversations to say simple stuff like “Esto es para ti” (this is for you) and to make more intermediate sentences such

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Forming Spanish prepositional phrases using pronouns and prepositions

Describing a Kitchen in Spanish: Objects and IR A

LA COCINA or the kitchen in Spanish is another important room in the house. There are many different items and utensils that can be found in a kitchen, from simple objects like UNA CUCHARA (a spoon) to appliances like UNA REFRIGERADORA (a refrigerator). In this lesson, you will learn some common kitchen objects in Spanish through pictures and several audio

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Describing a Kitchen in Spanish: Objects and IR A Los objetos de la cocina en español
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