Practice Spanish Online with Interactive Quizzes

Practice Spanish Online with different types of interactive quizzes including multiple choice activities, drag and drop, matching, cloze and more. Each lesson provides simple explanations, vocabulary in use as well as many other resources for you to learn the topic first and then practice Spanish once you master the topic. Some of these quizzes are aimed to test grammar and others will help you test listening and vocabulary.

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Describing Clothes in Spanish: Style, Size and Patterns

In the previous lesson, we learned several words for clothing items, showed you how to make simple sentences with them and how to ask prices in Spanish as well. In this lesson, we will learn some important adjectives to describe clothes in Spanish, including those for general appearance, size, fabric patters and styles. We hope

Describing Clothes in Spanish: Style, Size and Patterns Read More »

Clothing items in Spanish

Using Spanish Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns

Spanish demonstrative adjectives and demonstrative pronouns, “los demostrativos”, are words like ESE, ESTE, ESE and others which correspond to THIS, THAT and so on in English. In this lesson, we will cover some similarities in the way we use demonstratives in both languages, as well as some major differences you should know about. Let’s begin…

Using Spanish Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns Read More »

Demonstrative pronouns and adjectives in Spanish
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