Spanish Grammar

Learn about the most common topics on Spanish grammar with interesting lessons. Some of the lessons will explain the basics about things like pronouns, verb conjugation rules, tenses and more. Each lesson includes a set of examples, pictures and quizzes for you to get the best out of each topic.

The Imperfect Past Tense in Spanish: Rules and Audio Examples

The past tense in Spanish has two basic forms: “El pretérito perfecto” and “El pretérito imperfecto”. “El pretérito perfecto” refers to actions in the past that have already been completed such as “Trabajé ahí” (I worked there). On the other hand, the imperfect past tense is used for repeated actions from the past or those […]

The Imperfect Past Tense in Spanish: Rules and Audio Examples Read More »

The Imperfect Past Tense in Spanish: Rules and Audio Examples

Using Spanish Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns

Spanish demonstrative adjectives and demonstrative pronouns, “los demostrativos”, are words like ESE, ESTE, ESE and others which correspond to THIS, THAT and so on in English. In this lesson, we will cover some similarities in the way we use demonstratives in both languages, as well as some major differences you should know about. Let’s begin…

Using Spanish Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns Read More »

Demonstrative pronouns and adjectives in Spanish
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