Spanish Conversations Examples and Practice – Conversaciones

All of the lessons in this section include examples of Spanish conversations about the most interesting topics in the language. Some of them are conversations in Spanish for beginners, whereas others are more challenging and require you to fully understand the lesson to get the message of the conversation. You will listen to native speakers of Spanish talking about topics at different speeds and practice with interactive quizzes. Both the quizzes and the conversations include many important phrases and grammar structures in the language.

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Common Spanish Greetings and Farewells: List and Quiz

Spanish greetings and farewells are part of the vocabulary that you will need in daily interactions. Using the right greeting (saludo) before getting into the main conversation is always a good sign of politeness, especially when introducing yourself or someone else in the language. In this lesson, you will learn how and when to use Spanish greetings […]

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Essential or common expresions and questions for greetings in Spanish

Describing the Weather in Spanish & Forecasting

The weather, “el clima”, is a very interesting topic to talk about. In our previous lesson we introduced different Spanish weather expressions and discussed several examples on how to use the verbs ESTAR, SER, HABER and others to talk about the weather. We created a lot of sentences before, but we haven’t actually developed on describing the weather

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Making weather forecasts in Spanish with key verbs in the future tense.

Giving Directions in Spanish: Phrases and Conversations

In a previous lesson, we learned part of the vocabulary for places in town. We also discussed a little about different ways to ask and give directions in the language. This lesson will focus on introducing some new phrases and contextualize the vocabulary in conversations where people need to ask or give directions in Spanish. As usual,

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Key expressions for asking and telling directions in Spanish

Describing People’s Physical Appearance in Spanish

In the previous lesson, we covered the most common adjectives to describe people in Spanish, particularly on physical appearance – describiendo la apariencia de las personas. We also discussed how to make simple sentences with SER, LUCIR and adjectives. In this lesson, we will put all the pieces together to describe people’s appearance in Spanish. You will be

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Adjectives to describe people in Spanish

Clothing Items in Spanish: List, Prices and Descriptions

¡Hola! ¿Listo para aprender sobre la ropa? This lesson will cover some of the vocabulary for clothing items in Spanish, “prendas de vestir ”, as well as different ways for asking and saying prices in Spanish with key verbs, words and expressions you will definitely need when buying something in a Spanish-speaking country, for example. We have included a

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Shopping for clothes and saying what you are wearing in Spanish

Hobbies in Spanish: A List of Activities, Likes and Dislikes

LOS PASATIEMPOS or hobbies in Spanish are part of the vocabulary that is often used in conversations. In this lesson, we will review the most important vocabulary for hobbies with a short video and will focus on using this vocabulary for talking about likes and dislikes in Spanish using the verb GUSTAR and few other similar verbs.

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How to conjugate the verb GUSTAR in Spanish to talk about likes and dislikes and pastimes.

Talking about Time in Spanish: Conversations and Listening Practice

In our previous lesson, we introduced different ways to ask and tell time. This topic is very useful in our daily life so we will continue exploring it by reading and listening to people talking about time in Spanish. This lesson covers new, interesting phrases and questions through several examples of short conversations about time

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Telling time in Spanish - time expressions

La Rutina – Describing your Daily Routine in Spanish

¿Qué haces todos los días? ¿Cuál es tu rutina diaria? These are two common questions to ask about someone’s daily routine in Spanish – la rutina diaria. In a previous lesson, we covered the most important words for everyday activities and made sentences with reflexive and non-reflexive verbs. This lesson will go a little further and teach

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Daily routine activities and verbs in Spanish
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