Spanish Vocabulary through Sentences

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These lessons will introduce Spanish vocabulary lists on different topics. We will focus on using the new words and expressions in meaningful sentences. Some of the lessons will include pictures and videos to learn vocabulary in Spanish the easy way. Besides, you can listen to the pronunciation of the words with the audio files in the lessons and practice with interactive vocabulary quizzes.

Describing your Town in Spanish: Adjectives and Directions

¿Cómo es tu ciudad? In order to answer this question, you need to know a little about places in your town, some adjectives and the basics about directions. In this lesson, we will review the vocabulary for places in town in Spanish and ways to ask and give directions too. More importantly, we will teach you how

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Describing your town in Spanish and places around the city

Shopping for Clothes in Spanish: Phrases and Conversations

In the past two lessons, we covered the vocabulary for clothing items and prices as well as some common adjectives to describe them. This lesson will teach you some basic phrases and questions you can use when shopping for clothes in Spanish, plus some ways to say what you are wearing in Spanish too. This time,

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Saying and asking prices in Spanish

Personality Traits in Spanish: List, Phrases and Descriptions

¿Cómo describes tu personalidad? ¿Cómo eres? Those are two basic questions that people will ask to know more about your personality in Spanish. There are many words you can learn for personality traits – “rasgos de personalidad” – and that is why we will learn some of these adjectives in this lesson. For this purpose, we

Personality Traits in Spanish: List, Phrases and Descriptions Read More »

The grammar structure to describe people's personality in Spanish by using the verb SER and adjectives

Shopping Fruits and Vegetables in Spanish at the Market

Shopping groceries at a supermarket or market in Spanish is very simple, yet a very important topic to learn about especially when visiting Spanish-speaking countries. This lesson will focus on introducing the vocabulary for fruits and vegetables in Spanish, as well as some very useful phrases for buying groceries through several mini conversations and a nice video.

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Shopping Fruits and Vegetables in Spanish at the Market

Household Chores in Spanish: Hay and Tener Que + Activities

¿Qué tareas domésticas te gusta hacer? “Los Quehaceres”, “Las tareas del hogar” and “Los oficios de la casa” are three ways to refer to household chores in Spanish. This lesson will introduce the vocabulary for these tasks through a short video and several mini-conversations. In addition, we will discuss about ways to express obligations in Spanish using

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talking about household chores in Spanish using hay que and tener que
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