Describing people in Spanish

The lessons in this section will teach you how to describe people in Spanish. Some will introduce vocabulary for describing physical appearance in Spanish with common adjectives, which will also be used in sentences and listening activities. Others will focus on presenting lists of adjectives to describe personality in Spanish. All of these lessons will rely on common verbs like SER, LUCIR, TENER and more, and will give you the chance to practice with interactive quizzes.

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Describing Clothes in Spanish: Style, Size and Patterns

In the previous lesson, we learned several words for clothing items, showed you how to make simple sentences with them and how to ask prices in Spanish as well. In this lesson, we will learn some important adjectives to describe clothes in Spanish, including those for general appearance, size, fabric patters and styles. We hope […]

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Clothing items in Spanish

How to Make Adjectives Agree with Nouns in Spanish

In the previous lesson, we explained the rules for adjective placement and talked about the rules to place these words, either before or after nouns. In this lesson, we will learn about another important feature called “concordancia del adjetivo y el sustantivo”, that is Spanish noun-adjective agreement. Do not worry, it will be easier than it sounds,

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A list of common adjectives and the gender of Spanish Adjectives from masculine to feminine.

Personality Traits in Spanish: List, Phrases and Descriptions

¿Cómo describes tu personalidad? ¿Cómo eres? Those are two basic questions that people will ask to know more about your personality in Spanish. There are many words you can learn for personality traits – “rasgos de personalidad” – and that is why we will learn some of these adjectives in this lesson. For this purpose, we

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The grammar structure to describe people's personality in Spanish by using the verb SER and adjectives

Describing People’s Physical Appearance in Spanish

In the previous lesson, we covered the most common adjectives to describe people in Spanish, particularly on physical appearance – describiendo la apariencia de las personas. We also discussed how to make simple sentences with SER, LUCIR and adjectives. In this lesson, we will put all the pieces together to describe people’s appearance in Spanish. You will be

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Adjectives to describe people in Spanish

The Rules for Spanish Adjective Placement

Spanish adjectives, LOS ADJETIVOS, are words that are normally used to describe people, objects, houses and lots of other things in the language. Just like nouns, adjectives follow some grammar rules. In this lesson, we will focus on learning the rules for Spanish adjective placement through simple explanations, many audio examples and two interactive quizzes. Let’s

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The basics about adjectives in Spanish - Los adjetivos en español
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