Spanish Listening Comprehension Activities – Escucha

The lessons in this section include Spanish listening comprehension activities plus interactive quizzes. The conversations or dialogues are based on the vocabulary and grammatical structures presented in the lessons through examples and simple explanations. They are designed to be easy to follow and will definitely help you to improve your ability to listen to Spanish conversations, podcasts and other content.

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Spelling Words in Spanish: Examples and Listening Practice

¡Hola! Welcome to a new lesson. Today, we will focus on using the alphabet to spell words in Spanish. In order to do so, we have prepared some sample conversations with people spelling words in Spanish, including words like names and other information. This lesson will also give you the chance to practice listening, first through the

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Spelling words in Spanish lesson with listening activities

Answering the Phone in Spanish and Leaving Messages

¡Hola! Today’s lesson will introduce some common ways to answer the phone. The lesson includes some interesting audio examples, and more importantly, phrases for leaving phone messages in Spanish. The vocabulary and expressions will then be used in two listening activities with their corresponding interactive quizzes. Let’s start… Answering the phone and leaving a message

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At the Doctor in Spanish: Illnesses, Phrases and Listening Practice

¡Hola nuevamente! Today’s lesson will cover some very useful phrases and questions for having a basic doctor and patient conversation in Spanish. To do so, we have included the names of some common illnesses in Spanish, as well as a dialogue (listening activity) resembling a real visit to the doctor in Spanish. We will also

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Key expressions for illnesses and injuries, and questions to ask at the doctor in Spanish

Ordering Food at a Restaurant in Spanish: Phrases and Conversations

¡Hola! Today’s lesson aims at helping you learn the vocabulary, phrases and questions that you need to order your favorite food at a restaurant in Spanish. We have included many examples about food descriptions, ways to ask the waiter for the specialties of the house, ways to make reservations and more. In addition, this lesson will

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