Spanish reflexive verbs and pronouns

This section includes lessons that will explain how to use Spanish reflexive verbs and pronouns for real purposes such as talking about daily routines, obligations and more. Some of the lessons will explain how to conjugate a list of Spanish reflexive verbs, whereas others will teach the correct placement and use of Spanish reflexive pronouns in sentences. The lessons include several resources like pictures, videos, many examples, conversations, listening activities and quizzes to practice Spanish reflexive verbs and pronouns.

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Phone Conversations in Spanish: Phrases and Listening Practice

“Aló” is often the starting phrase for many phone calls in Spanish. Just like in other languages, there are some simple expressions you can learn to answer the phone in Spanish or take a simple message for a friend or relative. This lesson will cover a few of these key phrases and questions through examples of phone

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How to make phone calls in Spanish

Making sentences with Spanish Reflexive Pronouns: Examples and Practice

Spanish reflexive pronouns are words that are used to indicate whom or what will be affected by a verb or action. These types of pronouns are very useful for lots of different topics in the language. They are not the same as reflexive verbs, but both of them are strongly related as we will soon see

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Making sentences with Spanish Reflexive Pronouns: Examples and Practice

La Rutina – Describing your Daily Routine in Spanish

¿Qué haces todos los días? ¿Cuál es tu rutina diaria? These are two common questions to ask about someone’s daily routine in Spanish – la rutina diaria. In a previous lesson, we covered the most important words for everyday activities and made sentences with reflexive and non-reflexive verbs. This lesson will go a little further and teach

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Daily routine activities and verbs in Spanish
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