My Favorite Hobbies in Spanish – PDF Reading Worksheet

¡Hola! Thanks for joining us today. This time, we are sharing a very nice worksheet to put your reading skill into practice by reading three short passages about some people’s favorite hobbies in Spanish. This reading makes use of the vocabulary for pastimes, as well as ways to talk about likes and dislikes in the language. As usual, this worksheet comes with two exercises for students to get the best out of this material.


Students could work individually or in pairs to solve the exercises on this worksheet.

Firstly, students should first take a look at the pictures on the left besides each paragraph to get a general idea of the reading. Then, they should read the three passages, which will basically describes the favorite hobbies and leisure activities of four people in Spanish. The passage is mostly written in the present tense and makes use of important verbs and expressions for likes and dislikes such as “Gustar” (to like), “Encantar” (to love), “Ser bueno en” (be good at) and “Poder” (to be able to). For exercise No. 1, they must scan the text and answer the questions based on the information shared about each person’s pastimes. For exercise No. 2, they should read the statements, then write a “check” or an “X” in the box below the name of the person who likes such activity or comes from the place in the statement. All of these sentences have been paraphrased from the passages so they should read again, find them and classify them properly.

Worksheet information:

Level: Intermediate
Skill: Reading
Related lessons:

mis pasatiempos favoritos en español ejercicios lectura my favorite pastimes in Spanish PDF reading worksheet

Extra Activity:

Students have 10 minutes to make a list of all the hobbies in Spanish in the passages. Then, they go around to get to know which of those activities their classmates like or have even practiced. Once they have some answers from their classmates, they should decide to which team they belong based on their answers. For example, if someone likes outdoor activities and nature then, they should be “Team Jair”, but if they like video games better, then they should belong to someone else’s team (four teams for the four people in the passages). This could work as an activity to analyze the students’ personality depending on the things they like or dislike. At the end of the class, the teacher should write to which team each student belongs on the board to know whether she/he has a more artistic or adventurous class.

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